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- 'Seeing' myself in Scotland
- PY: Ibn 'Arabi Towards a Universal Point of View
- In Search of Osman Fazlı
- The Meaning of Hu
- Christ
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- 'Open Heart Surgery'
- Towards a unified vision
- Sadr al-dīn Qunawī
- Working together between God's two hands
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- Tai Situ Rinpoche
- Listening on the 4th Plinth
- Peter Young
- Lama Panchen Ötrul Rinpoche
- Ibn 'Arabi and the Ecological Crisis
- 11th September 2001
- Letter to a War Zone
- The Globalisation of Consciousness
- Wisdom of the Heart
- the still point
- Plato
- Soren Kierkegaard
- An Education for the Heart
- Dom Sylvester Houédard: Commentaries on Meister Eckhart
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- 2011 Beshara Lecture
- Introduction to Climate Change
- Ismail Hakki Bursevi
- Dom Sylvester: a talk by Charles Verey
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- Bridges to Self-Knowledge: William James, Ibn 'Arabi and Nabulusi
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- Building the Dome of the Retreat
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- Felling an Elm
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