Student Testimonials
To hear what students have to say about the Six-month Intensive Winter Course, which is held at Chisholme, click here...
Three students talk about their experience of doing a foundation course:
To know that there is only one Being is well and good, but to feel and sense that there is only one Being is more complete. The Course helped me get closer to this. And, as if that were not enough, the company is delightful - and the food is fantastic! I didn't want to leave.
Matt Seattle, Scotland
On The Border
For Beshara
The sun is drawing us to shadow,
Last beams are crossing treetops
Into one placeless horizon
While the world flows inward
From each furthest side.
The flame of declining light
Shows an innermost shelter
Where abundance flares
Within heart; flickering
Thoughts fall like pages
In the breeze, our hands
Open to the gentlest rhythm,
Holding an instant of prayer
Between silence and potential.The nine-day course at the Beshara School becomes an experience of grace, and the heart softens by the subtlety of care, kindness and generosity for all here. The education is inspirational, penetrating and incisive. Study groups offer an enriching way to engage with exquisite texts and bring certain insight into Reality. A passing comment might invite contemplation on mystery and manifestation, old habits and obstructions, letting go, unaccountable change, intuition. Questions on identity and existence are at the door, and there is a response from the lover of Rumi that we are knocking from the inside.
Receptivity within can open and epiphanies come in an instant - every moment on the course offers the potential of learning. The gardener shows that a young plant is vulnerable and has fragile roots to remember whilst clearing extravagant weeds nearby. The woman who instructs on ironing linen gently reminds not to promise what cannot be delivered - it is enough to finish whatever work is possible. The cook may sensitively nudge us towards a silence that gives the conditions for respectfulness and creativity in the preparation of food. Gatherings with everyone at mealtimes are delightful and, once again, a fleeting remark by a companion might be the necessary teaching.
This nine-day course is intensive, testing, profound and essential - and in surroundings that are a blessing.
Everywhere reveals of the Beautiful One. The Beshara School is indeed good news.
A poem arises that may give the taste; an offering with gratitude to all.Evlynn Sharp, London
My name is Sriram from India.
I came to Beshara to do an introductory course.
The School taught me all the possibilities of looking from a place of non-duality.
Every activity in this esoteric school, as for example cooking or cleaning etc is pointing towards, and teaching one-ness. The school provides us an excellent opportunity to read, discuss and reflect the teaching from different saints from different eras. After I had done my nine-days course, I felt it is a privilege to know and see from the apex of a non-dualistic approach. Nothing changes except perception.Sriram