Useful Links


The Muhyiddin Ibn 'Arabi Society

An international association promoting a greater understanding of the work of Ibn 'Arabi and his followers.


Anqa Publishing

Specialising in publishing works by and about Ibn 'Arabi and those who have followed in his footsteps.


Beshara Publications

Essential reading on what it really means to be human now.

Wiser Earth

A free-to-use online community for people who believe in a more just and sustainable world.


The Scientific and Medical Network

Exploring and expanding the frontiers of science, medicine and spirituality

TED Talks

Recommended: Jill Bolte Taylor's 'Stroke of Insight' Thandie Newton's 'Embracing otherness...' Karen Armstrong's 'Let's revive the Golden Rule'


Permaculture magazine

Quarterly since 1992, the  practical, informative magazine for the sustainability movement.


The Pachamama Alliance

Connecting indigenous wisdom and modern knowledge for a just, sustainable, and thriving world.


Peace Direct

In conflict zones worldwide local people are building peace. Stopping violence, saving lives, healing their own communities.


Global Oneness Project

An education program offering effective ways for educators to introduce global themes, environmental issues, and multi-cultural awareness into their established course curricula.


Chalice, a Living School

Digging Deeper: inspirations from Reshad Field

See also  German and Swiss publishing company dedicated to making available good esoteric books in the German language


Peace One Day

Peace One Day’s objective is to establish Peace Day 21 September, making it a day that is self-sustaining, an annual day of global unity, and a day of intercultural cooperation.


Edinburgh International Centre for Spirituality and Peace


Seeking understandings of the nature of spirituality, and of interspirituality and intraspirituality, in its diversity.