The Beshara School

‘The universities of the future will do one thing we do not do today. They will teach the art of self-discovery. There is nothing more fundamental in education.’
                                                   Ben Okri: A Time for New Dreams

The Beshara School is ‘a university of the future’. It aims to provide an exemplary education in self-knowledge in accord with its root principle of the absolute unity of existence. It is an education that combines between the science of unity and the art of self-discovery. It is an education for the whole person.

Who is it for?

It is for anyone who questions their reality, their place and purpose in this life and who wishes to explore these questions in a supportive, open environment, in the company of others.

What are its roots?

Its roots lie in the sincere desire in each student to know themselves. While this is a perennial question and as old as humankind, it is also today an urgent requirement to know what is happening in the world, and why, and to respond from wisdom and love.

The primary texts studied within the School include writings of Muhyiddin Ibn 'Arabi (1165-1240). Ibn ‘Arabi is widely acknowledged to be one of the greatest mystics and writers to have emerged in any spiritual tradition. He articulated the idea of the unity of existence and the place of the individual person within it in a metaphysical system of unsurpassed breadth and scope. Of equal importance to the school's approach is Jalaluddin Rumi (1207-1273), whose now world-famous poetic writings speak directly of the reality and primacy of love and the importance of whole-hearted commitment to truth.

Although not a school of Ibn 'Arabi nor of Rumi per se, the curriculum reflects the universal principles inherent in their works. Its aim is to connect to the singular source of all genuine spiritual practice. The materials studied at the School include Buddhist, Christian, Taoist and Advaita texts, among others.

Meditation and the cultivation of awareness is an important part of the core curriculum, both as a subject in itself and as an aspect of the daily programme of most courses.

Why is it important?

The School's educational focus is on an all-inclusive vision, and for the whole person. In this person, timeless universal truths meet the global necessities and unique concerns of the present day. Climate change, political and economic crisis, and dwindling natural resources are just a few of the indications of humanity’s changing relationship to the planet, its inhabitants and with itself. 
This education is not for self-improvement or the spiritualisation of the ego. It is for the realisation of our essential unity with the whole of life. If properly understood this relationship, unique to each of us, is expressed as an enhanced willingness to be of service to reality, to the world and to humankind.

Where is the Beshara School?

Given the universality of its core principles and the potential of every person to know themselves, the School has a global remit. Its courses can take place almost anywhere. Whether in an apartment in Istanbul, Chisinau or San Francisco, a Safari Lodge in Tanzania, a restored synagogue on Crete, The Friends Meeting House in the heart of London's Soho, in Jakarta, Melbourne, Tel Aviv, Frankfurt, Maastricht, New York – the School will aim to provide the best conditions possible in terms of curricula, materials and supportive environment.  

Many of its courses and retreats are held at The Chisholme Institute, in the Scottish Borders, a residential school wholly dedicated to this education and open to students and visitors throughout the year. Courses have been running here since 1975.

There are Beshara centres around the world, and also groups of alumni in various locations who offer informal study programmes. 

Introductory courses can be arranged almost anywhere, provided there is a proposal and invitation from a sufficient number of potential students. Please contact the Beshara Development Office to find out more (

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