BAC Accreditation
The Chisholme Institute (Beshara School) was first accredited by the British Accreditation Council for Independent Further and Higher Education in March 2009.
To the best of my knowledge, there is not any really comparable non-denominational, non-sectarian centre for integrated spiritual studies open to students of all backgrounds, which explains why the Beshara School consistently attracts – and also depends upon – the flow of interested students around the world.
The Beshara School is an absolutely unique educational centre and invaluable educational resource, not merely within the UK and Europe, but indeed on an increasingly global scale.Professor James W. Morris
Dept. of Theology, Boston College, USA
I have experienced a loving intelligence from the way the food is prepared right through to the way people are with each other, incredible evidence of walking the talk and talking the walk.
Dr. Scilla Elworthy, Nobel Peace Prize Nominee
I have been associated with the Beshara School for over 25 years in the capacity of visiting lecturer and friend of the School. I have always been most impressed by the aims and standards of the Beshara School. I can vouch that it is a genuine educational establishment, and one that is unique in Britain, in that it offers a holistic and transforming course of religious and spiritual education to the students who take its courses.
On my visits to Chisholme I have always found the students to be very motivated and inspired by what they are studying and the quality of the teaching and learning experience. I found the quality of their attention to my lectures second to none. Many other academics, some very distinguished and from the international field, have visited the Beshara School, and all I know have commented very favourably on what the Beshara School does for its students.
Alan Williams, MA (Oxon) PhD. (Lond.)
Professor of Iranian Studies and Comparative Religion,
Department of Religions and Theology,
University of Manchester
Having been associated with the School for more than twenty years, I can confirm that it provides intensive spiritual and philosophical courses to a wide variety of students from many countries, leading not to any formal qualifications but to a much deeper understanding of fundamental philosophical and spiritual concepts and methodologies.
Dr. Ralph Austin
Senior Lecturer in Arabic (Retired)
University of Durham (1963-1988)