The Chisholme Institute
Legal Status
The Chisholme Institute is a registered Scottish charity, Scottish Charity number SC008147, and a company limited by guarantee registered in Scotland, company number 69001.
Its registered office is: Chisholme House, Roberton, Hawick TD9 7PH.
It is accredited by the British Accreditation Council for Independent Further and Higher Education:
There is a Board of Directors, which makes up the legally constituted body responsible for overseeing the running of the Institute according to its stated aims. The directors meet regularly throughout the year at Chisholme House to discuss all aspects of the Governance of the Institute, including the details of finance, publicity, maintenance, capital projects, and issues arising with the estate, garden and household.
The aims of The Chisholme Institute as stated in its Articles of Association are:
- To develop and improve a critical understanding amongst the public that all life is interdependent as seen in the ecological, economic, cultural and spiritual spheres.
- To cause enquiries, studies, research and work to be undertaken to increase public awareness of the unity of existence.
- To make known to the public the knowledge gained from these enquiries, studies, research and work.
- To establish educational courses to develop in the public an understanding of the unity of existence.
- To cause work to be done in: ecological conservation, the development of good husbandry and resource management, conservation of our heritage of buildings, artefacts and craft skills, and spiritual practices.
In furtherance of these aims, the Chisholme Institute offers courses designed to promote an understanding of the unity of existence. Since 1975, it has conducted both intensive residential six-month courses and shorter courses.
One intention is now to make Chisholme self-sufficient in its energy needs, using different sources of renewable energy. See Sustainable Energy
Financial administration
There are no large sources of funding for the Chisholme Institute. Many past and present students of the School and others who value its work donate small, regular amounts in the form of covenants. These covenants together with donations and gifts from supporters provide the core income for the Institute in addition to student fees and payments for accommodation from guests.
Payments made by guests at Chisholme are by donation. There is a suggested daily rate to cover all meals and accommodation and guests contribute what they can afford which may be more or less depending on their circumstances. Income is also augmented by tax arrangements which allow a charity to re-claim the tax on any donation or regular covenant made to it by British tax payers. In most cases this is 20%, more for higher taxpayers. This represents a significant and valued addition to the charity’s income. (Please note that donations made as payment in exchange for a guest’s stay are not subject to tax reclamation under Gift Aid rules.)