News from the Beshara Trust
The Beshara Trust is always open to the possibility of considering new trustees and welcomes such interest.
The key requirements for becoming a Trustee are that the person:
- understands and values the aims of the Trust.
- works collectively with the other Trustees in reaching decisions and takes individual responsibility for decisions made.
- has particular knowledge and skills that may help the Trust carry out its functions.
We warmly welcome hearing from anyone with an interest in helping – this does not necessarily have to involve becoming a Trustee.
Film Premiere: 'Looking for Muhyiddin' by Nacer Khemir
'Returning home to bury his mother, a son makes a promise to his father. He must seek out the spiritual master Sheikh Muhyiddin. Enlisting companions of Ibn Arabi on the way, we learn the secrets of the mystical Master, in turn giving life to the unity of faith.'
The UK premiere of the film Looking for Muhyiddin, made by Nacer Khemir (director of Bab Aziz), was held in London at the Brunei Gallery, SOAS on Saturday 29th November, 2014. The film was followed by a discussion with the director.
A sacred music concert was also held in the morning on the theme of Whichever way Love turns: Ibn Arabi in music and sound.
The day event was in celebration of the 850th centenary of Muhyiddin Ibn 'Arabi (1165 – 2015 CE).
Report to follow soon...
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Fez Festival of Sufi Culture, April 2014:
In the Footsteps of Ibn ‘Arabî
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The 2014 Beshara Lecture:
A Heart Capable of Every Form: Atheism, Agnosticism and Belief
Jane Carroll recently delivered the lecture in London, Edinburgh and at Chisholme House. If you missed it, or would just like to see it again, the London lecture is now available for viewing. Introduction | Part 1 | Part 2. You can read a transcript of the lecture here.
The film of the Edinburgh lecture is available here.
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The 2013 Muhyiddin Ibn 'Arabi Young Writer's Award
The $1000 award has been won by Axel Takács from Harvard University, USA, for his essay correlating the ideas of Ibn ʿArabī with the medieval Christian mystic, Thomas Gallus. The Beshara Trust was delighted to sponsor the award. Read more.
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Talk Forum Edinburgh 2015:
What is a well-integrated spirituality?
A Talk Forum presented by The Beshara Trust and The Edinburgh International Centre for Spirituality and Peace (EICSP). Read more
Talk forum & conference:
Happiness, Health & Well-being
Held at The Sanctuary, Augustine United Church, George IV Bridge, Edinburgh
11–12 October 2013 listen to the audio files >
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A seminar on Ibn 'Arabi and Self-knowledge
Given by Cecilia Twinch in Bristol recently. Watch her talk, in two parts:Ibn Arabi & Self Knowledge Cecilia Twinch Part 1
Ibn Arabi & Self Knowledge Cecilia Twinch Part 2
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Previous Beshara Lectures
'Human being, being human: awareness, ascension and the attaining of true happiness'
The 2012 lecture given by Stephen Hirtenstein. Listen to a slightly amended version here.
'The pattern of meaning: human consciousness – the mind of the universe'
The 2011 lecture given by Richard Twinch. Richard is preparing an audiovisual package of the lecture. In the meantime read his personal response to giving the lecture here.
'Educating the heart: establishing a spiritual perspective in the modern world'
The 2010 lecture by Jane Clark. You can read it here, or listen to it here.