Talks & Articles by Author
J.G. Bennett: The Meaning of Hu, Swyre Farm 1974
Carol Banks: Between two worlds – a poem offered at the end of her six-month retreat course, March 2016
Jane Carroll: A Heart cabable of every Form - 2014 Beshara Lecture
Aaron Cass: Cool detachment and the power of transformation - the Chisholme Kitchen
Jane Clark
Sadr al-dīn Qunawī – His importance to us, and his relationship to Rūmī
Educating the heart: Establishing a spiritual perspective in the modern world
Peter Coates
Bridges to Self-Knowledge: William James, Ibn 'Arabi and Nabalusi
Ibn 'Arabi and the Ecological Crisis: a Merciful Nemesis?
'Many a good hanging prevents a bad marriage': Some Themes and Resonances in the writings of Soren Aabye Kierkegaard
Beyond Dogma and Doctrine: Some Non-Eristic remarks on Reading Plato and Ibn 'Arabi: Growing Wings.
Grace Connor: A beautiful and challenging metaphysics
Adam Dupré: Meister Eckhart
Edward Hallinan: The Singleness of Being with the implications of what it means to be Truly Human within the context of the works of Saint Gregory of Nyssa.
Stephen Hirtenstein: Ibn 'Arabi: The Treasure of Compassion – an introduction to his life and works
Richard Hornsby: Christ - exploring the chapter on Christ in Ibn 'Arabi's Fusus al Hikam
Dom Sylvester Houédard: Commentaries on Meister Eckhart, Sermon 87 – On 'the Poor in Spirit'
Kenneth Holmes: Waters of compassion from three sources
Evelyn Morrison : Listening on the 4th Plinth
Eva Muchtar: Seeing' myself in Scotland
Lama Panchen Ötrul Rinpoche: speaking at Chisholme in 1987
Bulent Rauf: for a selection of published papers by Bulent Rauf
Kathleen Raine: Poetry as Prophecy
Christopher Ryan:
Ismail Hakki Bursevi – biographical notes, collected and translated by Christopher Ryan
In Search of Osman Fazli
Tai Situ Rinpoche: A talk at Chisholme House, in 1981
Michael Shallis: Introduction to Climate Change (2007)
Cecilia Twinch:
The Wisdom of the Heart
Ibn Arabi and the Circle of Inclusion: Article for the Huffington Post
Richard Twinch: A personal response to giving the 2011 Beshara Lecture
Charles Verey
Dom Sylvester Houédard
A relationship with Dom Sylvester Houédard, Part 1
Alan Williams: Open Heart Surgery – The Operation of Love in Rumi’s Masnavi or listen to the talk as an audio file (mp3, 13.6mb)
Alison Yiangou: Mindfulness - an introduction to the modern secular mindfulness movement (2013)
Peter Yiangou
The Globalisation of Consciousness
Towards a Unified Vision, opening address at the first SKGR Symposium
Peter Young:
link to Biography page
Tender Exchange with the Earth - Interview with Peter Young
for WiserEarth online Magazine,
11th September 2001: A Response from Love
Letter to a war zone
At the still point…
An education for the heart
Working together between God's two hands
Ibn 'Arabi: towards a universal point of view