The fees for Beshara School courses and events are intended only to cover costs and are reasonably and fairly priced. However the School will always try to ensure that people are not excluded from participating for financial reasons.
A Bursary fund was established for this purpose in the early seventies and receives regular donations. Such is the way of the world that demand tends to outstrip supply. If you can, please help to support those students whose financial situation might prevent them from attending a course.
Donate now: make a one-off online donation, of any amount, using a credit/debit card through PayPal – you do not need a PayPal account to donate this way.
Download a Donation Form: to make one-off or regular donations.
Donations by mail: Please send a cheque payable to "The Chisholme Institute" and mail to The Secretary, Beshara School, Chisholme House, Roberton, Hawick, TD9 7PH, UK.
Standing order: You can also make regular donations directly through your bank or building society. Please contact the secretary for assistance.
Direct bank transfers: please write to secretary@beshara.org or call +44 (0)1450 880215 for bank details to make a transfer.
Legacies: if you would like to leave a legacy for scholarships please get in touch with the secretary@beshara.org or call +44 (0)1450 880215 to discuss your plans.