Chisholme Institute Covenants
These were first established in 1980, and made the original purchase of Chisholme House possible. They now represent a secure bedrock of support for the Chisholme Institute.
Covenants usually take the form of on-going regular payments. Such donations can be arranged by Banker's Order (UK only) or by Credit Card from anywhere in the world, using the down-load form below. Covenants vary greatly, but even a very small amount, given regularly, makes a huge difference over time. And beyond any financial value, a donation however small or large is a tangible token of your support and participation.
Currently, Chisholme receives 115 covenants (or on-going donations) which provide an annual income of over £45,000 (not including re-claimable Gift Aid).
Many covenants together form a very strong whole.
Download a Donation Form: you can make on-going or one-off donations, by Banker's Order or Credit Card, using this form.
Standing order: You can also make regular donations directly through your bank or building society. Please contact the secretary for assistance.
Direct bank transfers: please write to or call +44 (0)1450 880215 for bank details to make a transfer.