Solitary Retreat

"Retreat brings knowledge of the world." Ibn 'Arabi

A fully-serviced, exceptionally well-appointed retreat cell is available for solitary, self-guided retreat. The cell is situated in a very beautiful and peaceful spot overlooking open moorland. A wood stove provides heating and hot water for the washing area which is modelled on those that can be found in a Turkish hamam. There is a small kitchen. All food is provided including a daily hot meal which is discreetly delivered to the kitchen.

The retreat cell is available year round for anyone with experience in retreat practice by arrangement and application to the Principal.
 Retreat users are welcome to spend a night before and after retreat in Chisholme’s main accommodation.

£50 per night – which includes everything you will need such as all food, bed linen and towels, wood for the stove. For a one week retreat the cost is £300. For retreats longer than seven days extra days will be charged at £40.

A concessionary rate of £35 per night is available to anyone who has taken part in a course at Chisholme.

A deposit is required when booking. Please pay the balance on arrival at Chisholme.

For booking enquiries and further information please email or phone +44 (0) 1450 880215