Volunteer Fund
The volunteer fund supports volunteers at Chisholme House and Estate in the Scottish Borders. Volunteering at Chisholme is an wonderful opportunity for school leavers, gap-year students, unemployed or unwaged or indeed anyone at all to have a taste of another, possibly life-changing, perspective, in beautiful surroundings and good company. Given the current economic climate, volunteering opportunities are even more important.
The work and opportunities at Chisholme are diverse. It may involve anything from learning to build the stone garden wall, helping prepare a Turkish feast for a 200-strong celebration, picking wild raspberries, caring for chickens and ducks, doing forestry surveyes, clearing snow, putting up a barn...read more about volunteering at Chisholme...
In addition to practical work, volunteers are invited to participate in conversation and study, and are encouraged to enquire deeper into their own questions, which may arise during their stay. Everyone is most welcome to join in the daily meditation sessions and other activities.
Financial contributions by volunteers:
First week: £70 (£42 students)
After that £10 per day (£6 per day students)
This will cover some of the basic costs, with the volunteer fund making up the shortfall.
Would you help us to realise this target? If you can give just £10 a month by covenant, each year you will be enabling one volunteer to stay at Chisholme for two weeks. Or if you prefer you can simply make a standing order to the Chisholme Institute, specifying it for the Volunteer Fund through your bank. Alternatively make a one-off donation using a debit or credit card.
Ways of giving
We welcome donations of any size. If you are a UK taxpayer your donation will qualify for Gift Aid, adding an extra 25% to the amount we get. If you are unsure about the best way to donate, please contact the secretary at Chisholme:
Tel: +44 (0)1450 880215 or email: secretary@beshara.org
Donate now: make a one-off online donation, of any amount, using a credit/debit card through PayPal - you do not need a PayPal account to donate this way.
Download a Volunteer Fund Support Form: to make regular donations.
Donations by mail: Please send a cheque payable to "The Chisholme Institute" and mail to The Secretary, Beshara School, Chisholme House, Roberton, Hawick, TD9 7PH, UK.
Standing order: You can also make these donations through your bank or building society. Please contact the secretary for assistance.
Direct bank transfers: please write to secretary@beshara.org or call +44 (0)1450 880215 for bank details to make a transfer.