BAC Accreditation

The Chisholme Institute (Beshara School) was first inspected by the British Accreditation Council for Independent Further and Higher Education in March 2009.

BAC's inspectors reported on an overall excellent level of provision in the School. They considered in particular that Chisholme House and the estate provide an excellent setting for quiet and contemplative study, the School is very well managed, the student welfare provision is excellent, and the academic quality of the classes observed was very impressive.

BAC's accreditation was awarded in April 2009.

About BAC

Extract from its website: 'The British Accreditation Council has provided a comprehensive quality assurance scheme for independent further and higher education in the UK since 1984. Our accreditation is recognised the world over by students, agents and government officials as the clearest mark of educational quality in the private sector. Alongside the British Council, whose Accreditation UK scheme serves as the definitive guide to the country's English language centres, we have overseen the inspection of private post-16 education for more than two decades.

We are committed to both encouraging the highest standards of education offered by independent colleges and providing prospective students with an invaluable guide to quality in an often complex sector.

For international students, choosing a BAC-accredited college for your studies will ensure that the institution is considered to be bona fide by immigration officials. Indeed from 2009, new regulations have come into effect so that visas are granted only to students at accredited institutions.'