Enlightened Agriculture – the solution to the world’s problems?


“Enlightened Agriculture”, says Colin Tudge, “has the potential to change the world."

This is a weekend that promises rewards for the body and the mind: fine food, walks around a beautiful estate and plenty of stimulation for the mind. But the greater purpose is to take a real step toward a happier Future.
Each day will combine lectures from Colin, complemented by presentations from staff at Chisholme and others. There will be plenty of time given for discussions both in the meeting room as well as outside it, for example while enjoying the food for which Chisholme is noted.
This weekend creates the opportunity to discuss what needs doing, and how to go about it.

Outline programme

Friday 29 April: supper followed by introductory lecture 1

Saturday 30 April: lectures 2 & 3; tour of Chisholme garden and estate; presentations by Chisholme’s chef and gardener. Film.

Sunday 1 May: lectures 4 & 5; presentations by Chisholme’s principal and development officer; walk.

Monday 2 May: final lecture and drafting of conclusions.


Lecture 1: The Agrarian Renaissance: an introduction to the weekend’s topics. Sketch and critique of current agricultural practice - agriculture as business; outline of a radically different approach - ‘Enlightened Agriculture’ (EA) which needs to be complemented by a different food culture.

Lecture 2: EA Farms: why farms need to be diverse (polyculture), low-input, skills-intensive and small - and how they should combine with agroforestry and aquaculture to yield proper agroecology.

Lecture 3: Enlightened eaters: EA cannot work unless people want what its farms produce: changing the way we eat.

Lecture 4: Evolving a sustaining society: What sort of society can support and enable EA? Examining the frameworks of government, economics, justice, morality and beliefs.

Lecture 5: Becoming wise: a deeper examination of the critical role of beliefs; drawing on the perennial wisdom at the heart of all religions.

Lecture 6: Creating the renaissance: land reform and community action.

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