
Spiritual practice in the midst of life:
‘I am he whom I love’ – the mystical love poetry of Hallaj

Jun 15, 2013 14:00
October Gallery, 24 Old Gloucester St, Bloomsbury, London WC1N 3AL
Presented by the Beshara Trust

Mansur Al-Hallaj (d. 922) is one of the most famous and controversial figures in Sufism. His trial and public execution in Baghdad is a key point in the history of mysticism. His poetry is less well-known: tender and intense, it is a remarkable expression of mystical yearning and realisation. It was also very influential on later mystics, including Ibn ʿArabi. In this talk we will look at Hallaj’s life and discuss a few of these powerful poems.

With Stephen Hirtenstein, a long-time student of Ibn ʿArabi. Stephen is co-founder of Anqa Publishing, editor of the Ibn ʿArabi Society Journal, and author of books and articles, including The Unlimited Mercifier. In the last three years he has run courses on Islamic mystical poetry at Oxford University.

The seminar will finish at 5pm. There is no cost, although donations towards room hire are gratefully accepted.

If you would like to attend any or all of the sessions, or for further information, please email: or telephone Michael Cohen on 020 8300 7928.

Mansur Al-Hallaj (d. 922) is one of the most famous and controversial figures in Sufism. His trial and public execution in Baghdad is a key point in the history of mysticism. His poetry is less well-known: tender and intense, it is a remarkable expression of mystical yearning and realisation. It was also very influential on later mystics, including Ibn ʿArabi. In this talk we will look at Hallaj’s life and discuss a few of these powerful poems.

With Stephen Hirtenstein, a long-time student of Ibn ʿArabi. Stephen is co-founder of Anqa Publishing, editor of the Ibn ʿArabi Society Journal, and author of books and articles, including The Unlimited Mercifier. In the last three years he has run courses on Islamic mystical poetry at Oxford University.

The seminar will finish at 5pm. There is no cost, although donations towards room hire are gratefully accepted.

If you would like to attend any or all of the sessions, or for further information, please email: or telephone Michael Cohen on 020 8300 7928.

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