Retreat in the Woods: Foundations of Natural Intelligence
22 June 2013 19:00 to 29 June 2013 14:00
Chisholme House, Scottish Borders, TD9 7PH
"Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts."
Albert Einstein
A seven-day course exploring self knowledge through total immersion in the basics of human existence. Accommodation and study is in yurts, in a retreat environment, free from phones, internet and electricity, in the companionship of your fellow students and facilitators.
Preparation of meals and outdoor activities are part of the course, as is conversation at night around the campfire. The ground of all our study, work and living together is the moment-by-moment awareness of the unity of all existence.
On this course we are not going back to nature. Through living close to nature we learn to appreciate how much we depend on it, how we are inseparable from and responsible for it... just as we depend on others, are one with one another and, at the same time, are responsible for each other.
The course takes place wholly within the Chisholme Estate, with the possible exception of guided walks, and is supported throughout by its permanent staff. Course supervisors live, work and study alongside course participants throughout the seven days.
Accommodation: This course is fully residential and course fees include all food and accommodation. The course begins with supper at 7pm on Saturday night, students are advised to arrive a little in advance in order to settle into their yurts. The course will end the following Saturday at 2pm.
Location: The location is in the grounds of Chisholme House, a beautiful estate in the moors of the Scottish Borders, an hour from Edinburgh, Newcastle and Carlisle.
Cost: £375 or £210 for under 26 years old
Note on course fees: There are no standard concessions offered on most courses, because the fees are already kept as low as possible. We try to ensure the courses are accessible to those on low incomes however so please write to to enquire about reduced course fees or busary possibilities if you would find the cost prohibitive.
Booking: Click on the brown 'Book your place' box at the top of this page, or write to / call +44 (0)1450 880215 to book.
Do not hesitate to write to us, if you would like any additional information.