The Upanishads: Refinding the Source
Jul 9, 2016 14:00
The October Gallery 24 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AL
The Beshara Trust
An introductory talk by Elizabeth Roberts, followed by readings and discussion
The October Gallery
24 Old Gloucester Street
London, WC1N 3AL
Saturday 9th July
from 2–5 pm
Tickets at the door £10/£5 (concessions)
The Upanishads are the mystical and philosophical wisdom of the sacred scriptures of ancient India. They call us to the discovery of a realm deep within ourselves which is our native state.
All this is full, all that is full.
From fullness, fullness comes.
When fullness is taken from fullness, fullness still remains
Isha UpanIshad
You are what your deep driving desire is
As your desire is, so is your will
As your will is , so is your deed
As your deed is so is your destiny
Brihadaranyaka UpanIshad
Elizabeth Roberts, BA Oxon. M.Phil. is a yoga teacher, a Yoga Philosophy tutor, and an Ayurvedic Educator and Practitioner. She has also taught literacy and philosophical enquiry in community and adult education.
Supported by The Beshara Trust a UK Educational Charity
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