
Light and Knowledge: Symposium of the Muhyiddin Ibn 'Arabi Society UK

Mar 19, 2016 09:00
Wolfson College, Oxford
Ibn 'Arabi Society, UK


The 33rd Symposium of the Society in the UK will be held on Saturday, 19th March, at Wolfson College, Oxford. This year it will be a one-day event.

Provisional programme:

9.15 Registration begins
10.00 Introduction
10.30 Sara Sviri: Beyond the Opposites: Identities and How to Survive Them in Light of the Light of Oneness
11.30 Coffee
12.00 pm Ahmad Sukkar: Title to be announced
1.00 Lunch
2.30 Todd Lawson: Water, Light, Knowledge and the Ecology of Imagination
3.30 Workshops
4.45 Tea
5.15 Plenary
5.45 End


The 33rd Symposium of the Society in the UK will be held on Saturday, 19th March, at Wolfson College, Oxford. This year it will be a one-day event.

Provisional programme:

9.15 Registration begins
10.00 Introduction
10.30 Sara Sviri: Beyond the Opposites: Identities and How to Survive Them in Light of the Light of Oneness
11.30 Coffee
12.00 pm Ahmad Sukkar: Title to be announced
1.00 Lunch
2.30 Todd Lawson: Water, Light, Knowledge and the Ecology of Imagination
3.30 Workshops
4.45 Tea
5.15 Plenary
5.45 End

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