The Secrets of Voyaging
Nov 21, 2015 15:45
School of Economic Science
3.45-4.15 pm Register for talk
4.15-5.45 pm Talk followed by discussion
Stephen's talk will be entitled The Secrets of Voyaging: discovering the mysteries of being.
'The Secrets of Voyaging' (Kitab al-Isfar 'an nata'ij al-asfar) is due to be published shortly by Anqa. Translated by Angela Jaffray, this is the first time this work has appeared in English. In the book Ibn 'Arabi describes various types of travelling and traveller, epitomised by eight prophetic figures from the Judaeo-Christian-Islamic tradition.
The talk is free to Members of the Society and £7 to non-Members. If you would like to attend, please let us know so that we can be sure to reserve a place for you. It could become full and we cannot guarantee a place if not booked beforehand.
You can find more information on the website, including booking details for non-Members.
More details
The talk will be preceded by The Muhyddin Ibn 'Arabi Society's AGM which begins at 2pm
Tel: (01865) 511963, E-mail: