
A Conversation

Oct 4, 2015 12:00
Albion Beatnick Bookshop, 34 Walton Street, Oxford, OX2 6AA

You can't cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water.
Rabindranath Tagore

The more we are made aware by a desire to consciously reside in a fundamental ground of being, then the more this desire surfaces as a moment to moment choice. This conversation is to invite insight into the nature of this choosing and how it can be sustained. We all have many clues as to the radical and benevolent effect of stepping into our deep inclinations, not only on ourselves but on the meeting with others and the world.

You suppose you are the trouble
But you are the cure
You suppose that you are the lock on the door
But you are the key that opens it
It's too bad that you want to be someone else
You don't see your own face, your own beauty
Yet, no face is more beautiful than yours

We will gather for this contempation in the warm atmosphere of the bookshop where we intend to explore this relationship from a perspective of Oneness. The intention is to undo, open, unknit, question, absorb and connect. The gathering starts with a short meditation. The conversation is led by Derek Elliott and Ally Stott who facilitate courses in Oxford on 'Discovering Unity' in concord with the Chisholme Institute. 

Albion Beatnick Bookshop, 34 Walton Street, Oxford, OX2 6AA
Date and Time 
October 4, 4–6.30pm
£3 charge on door, includes refreshments
More information
Please call Derek on 07771 707178 or Ally on 07968 691870

The next Discovering Unity course in Oxford starts in October.

You can't cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water.
Rabindranath Tagore

The more we are made aware by a desire to consciously reside in a fundamental ground of being, then the more this desire surfaces as a moment to moment choice. This conversation is to invite insight into the nature of this choosing and how it can be sustained. We all have many clues as to the radical and benevolent effect of stepping into our deep inclinations, not only on ourselves but on the meeting with others and the world.

You suppose you are the trouble
But you are the cure
You suppose that you are the lock on the door
But you are the key that opens it
It's too bad that you want to be someone else
You don't see your own face, your own beauty
Yet, no face is more beautiful than yours

We will gather for this contempation in the warm atmosphere of the bookshop where we intend to explore this relationship from a perspective of Oneness. The intention is to undo, open, unknit, question, absorb and connect. The gathering starts with a short meditation. The conversation is led by Derek Elliott and Ally Stott who facilitate courses in Oxford on 'Discovering Unity' in concord with the Chisholme Institute. 

Albion Beatnick Bookshop, 34 Walton Street, Oxford, OX2 6AA
Date and Time 
October 4, 4–6.30pm
£3 charge on door, includes refreshments
More information
Please call Derek on 07771 707178 or Ally on 07968 691870

The next Discovering Unity course in Oxford starts in October.

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