
Convocation: The Chisholme Institute – Past, Present, Future

4 September 2015 21:30 to 06 September 2015 14:00
Chisholme House, Roberton, Hawick, Scottish Borders TD9 7PH

Forty years after the first six-month course at Chisholme in 1975, how are things now?
How can Chisholme best be of service now as well as for what is to come, and how can we support it in doing so?

The Principal, Staff and the Board of the Chisholme Institute are pleased to invite all who are interested in the development and provision of its education and who are committed to its continuation into the future. The invitation is to come together to hear news, clarify understanding, refresh the intention and to commit to the next forty years and beyond.

Friday 4th  
– 9.30 pm Rememoration Zikr

Saturday 5th
– 9.30 – 12.00 am The Past: Presentation/ Responses
– 2.00 pm The Present: Taking a Fresh Look

Sunday 6th
– 9.30 – 12.00 am The Future: Presentations/ Responses 
– 1.00 pm Lunch & Departures

Saturday lunch, supper, and Sunday lunch will be provided. Accommodation at Chisholme is limited, so if you would like to stay for the weekend, please book early.

Please contact the Secretary if you would like to attend: +44 (0)1450 880215,

Forty years after the first six-month course at Chisholme in 1975, how are things now?
How can Chisholme best be of service now as well as for what is to come, and how can we support it in doing so?

The Principal, Staff and the Board of the Chisholme Institute are pleased to invite all who are interested in the development and provision of its education and who are committed to its continuation into the future. The invitation is to come together to hear news, clarify understanding, refresh the intention and to commit to the next forty years and beyond.

Friday 4th  
– 9.30 pm Rememoration Zikr

Saturday 5th
– 9.30 – 12.00 am The Past: Presentation/ Responses
– 2.00 pm The Present: Taking a Fresh Look

Sunday 6th
– 9.30 – 12.00 am The Future: Presentations/ Responses 
– 1.00 pm Lunch & Departures

Saturday lunch, supper, and Sunday lunch will be provided. Accommodation at Chisholme is limited, so if you would like to stay for the weekend, please book early.

Please contact the Secretary if you would like to attend: +44 (0)1450 880215,

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