
A Conversation

Mar 1, 2015 16:00
Albion Beatnick Bookshop, 34 Walton Street, Oxford, OX2 6AA

The Tao abides in non-action,
Yet nothing is left undone.
Tao Te Ching

We all want a happy ending to the big issues of these times. The destruction of the environment, the increase in poverty and inequality, the constant conflicts. Our own relationship to the world is tested on a daily basis. It is increasingly evident that there is no practical future in seeing the world as a ‘divided’ place requiring our ‘solution’, however good. So how do we respond?

We will gather for a contemplative conversation in the warm atmosphere of the bookshop where we intend to explore our relationship to the world from a perspective of Oneness. The intention is to undo, open, unknit, question, absorb and connect. The gathering starts with a short meditation. The conversation is led by Derek Elliott and Ally Stott who facilitate courses in Oxford on ‘Discovering Unity’ in concord with the Beshara School.

Albion Beatnick Bookshop, 34 Walton Street, Oxford, OX2 6AA
Date and Time 
Sunday 1 March, 4–6.30pm
£3 charge on door, includes refreshments
More information
Please call Derek on 07771 707178 or Ally on 07968 691870

The next Discovering Unity course in Oxford starts in April.

The Tao abides in non-action,
Yet nothing is left undone.
Tao Te Ching

We all want a happy ending to the big issues of these times. The destruction of the environment, the increase in poverty and inequality, the constant conflicts. Our own relationship to the world is tested on a daily basis. It is increasingly evident that there is no practical future in seeing the world as a ‘divided’ place requiring our ‘solution’, however good. So how do we respond?

We will gather for a contemplative conversation in the warm atmosphere of the bookshop where we intend to explore our relationship to the world from a perspective of Oneness. The intention is to undo, open, unknit, question, absorb and connect. The gathering starts with a short meditation. The conversation is led by Derek Elliott and Ally Stott who facilitate courses in Oxford on ‘Discovering Unity’ in concord with the Beshara School.

Albion Beatnick Bookshop, 34 Walton Street, Oxford, OX2 6AA
Date and Time 
Sunday 1 March, 4–6.30pm
£3 charge on door, includes refreshments
More information
Please call Derek on 07771 707178 or Ally on 07968 691870

The next Discovering Unity course in Oxford starts in April.

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