
A Framework for Tolerance

Jan 24, 2015 14:00
Salisbury Centre, 2 Salisbury Road, Edinburgh EH16 5AB
Beshara Trust

This seminar, which will include group work and discussion, will look at some of the principles formulated by Ibn 'Arabi and his school which lead naturally to having a real respect for people who have different beliefs or cultures from our own.

A seminar and discussion led by Jane Clark

Jane Clark (BSc, MPhil) has been a student of the Beshara School for more than thirty years and now works as a teacher and independent researcher. Her main area of interest is the work of the Andalusian philosopher/mystic Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabi because of his very clear articulation of the principles of unity. Originally trained as a scientist, she remains interested in the relationship between modern scientific understandings and the insights of the mystical traditions; she was a founder editor of the Beshara Magazine and The Journal of Consciousness Studies, and is now a Senior Research Fellow of the Muhiyddin Ibn ‘Arabi Society in Oxford.

Saturday, January 24  (2–5pm)

Salisbury Centre
2 Salisbury Road
EH16 5AB

All welcome    Admission free    Suggested donation £5

Contact information: 

For more information on Beshara events in Edinburgh please contact

To find out about events at Chisholme House and around the UK and abroad, and for volunteering opportunities at Chisholme House, see:

Events in Edinburgh are supported by the Beshara Trust, a registered charity.

This seminar, which will include group work and discussion, will look at some of the principles formulated by Ibn 'Arabi and his school which lead naturally to having a real respect for people who have different beliefs or cultures from our own.

A seminar and discussion led by Jane Clark

Jane Clark (BSc, MPhil) has been a student of the Beshara School for more than thirty years and now works as a teacher and independent researcher. Her main area of interest is the work of the Andalusian philosopher/mystic Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabi because of his very clear articulation of the principles of unity. Originally trained as a scientist, she remains interested in the relationship between modern scientific understandings and the insights of the mystical traditions; she was a founder editor of the Beshara Magazine and The Journal of Consciousness Studies, and is now a Senior Research Fellow of the Muhiyddin Ibn ‘Arabi Society in Oxford.

Saturday, January 24  (2–5pm)

Salisbury Centre
2 Salisbury Road
EH16 5AB

All welcome    Admission free    Suggested donation £5

Contact information: 

For more information on Beshara events in Edinburgh please contact

To find out about events at Chisholme House and around the UK and abroad, and for volunteering opportunities at Chisholme House, see:

Events in Edinburgh are supported by the Beshara Trust, a registered charity.

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