
Being in Community

Aug 17, 2014 10:45
Beshara School at the Chisholme Institute, Roberton, Hawick, TD9 7PH
Beshara School


Mhairi Macmillan M.Ed will explore the ideas of American psychologist Carl Rogers, in the context
of mindful and empathic community.

It is possible that the next Buddha will not take the form of an individual. The next Buddha may take the form of a community – a community practicing understanding and loving-kindness, a community practicing mindful living. This may be the most important thing we can do for the survival of the earth.                    Thích Nhát Hanh, Zen Buddhist monk

Carl Rogers (1902–1987) 
The American psychologist and founder of the Person-centred Approach to counselling, described the basic encounter group as ‘...probably the most socially significant invention of the 20th century’. Later, he and his associates worked with large groups in a way which saw the emergence of temporary communities. 


Might this experience with large groups somehow help us prepare for the kind of community Thích Nhát Hanh describes?

Mhairi Macmillan has worked with person-centred groups in many countries for over 35 years.

Tea and Coffee from 10.15am.
The talk, followed by a discussion, will begin at 10.45am 
Admission free. Donations welcome

For all enquiries please ring 01450 880215 or email



Mhairi Macmillan M.Ed will explore the ideas of American psychologist Carl Rogers, in the context
of mindful and empathic community.

It is possible that the next Buddha will not take the form of an individual. The next Buddha may take the form of a community – a community practicing understanding and loving-kindness, a community practicing mindful living. This may be the most important thing we can do for the survival of the earth.                    Thích Nhát Hanh, Zen Buddhist monk

Carl Rogers (1902–1987) 
The American psychologist and founder of the Person-centred Approach to counselling, described the basic encounter group as ‘...probably the most socially significant invention of the 20th century’. Later, he and his associates worked with large groups in a way which saw the emergence of temporary communities. 


Might this experience with large groups somehow help us prepare for the kind of community Thích Nhát Hanh describes?

Mhairi Macmillan has worked with person-centred groups in many countries for over 35 years.

Tea and Coffee from 10.15am.
The talk, followed by a discussion, will begin at 10.45am 
Admission free. Donations welcome

For all enquiries please ring 01450 880215 or email


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