Spiritual Healing Workshop
Jun 21, 2014 10:45
Beshara School at the Chisholme Institute, Roberton, Hawick, TD9 7PH
Beshara School
Experience energy healing for yourself
with Christina Mark RGN
Healing is an enduring miracle, but it need not be a mystery. Christina Mark reveals how energy, the connecting force between body, mind and soul, is at the source of the most ancient of the caring arts.
'Healing is a natural ability, borne out of love for every living thing.' Betty Shine
'Healing is not the same as curing; healing does not mean going back to the way things were before, but rather allowing what is now to move closer to God'. Ram Dass
Christina Mark is a registered nurse with over 40 years experience in health care. She is a registered healing practitioner, and a licensed tutor with the National Federation of Spiritual Healers and is the author of ‘Energy Healing: The Practical Workbook’. Her book will be available at the workshop.
Tea and Coffee from 10.15am.
The talk will start at 10.45am
Admission free. Donations welcome
For all enquiries please ring 01450 880215 or email