Being Different and Morality
30 November 2013 to 08 December 2013 23:59
As human beings, many of us share an innate sense that we are unique and different; yet, at the same time, there is something in us that compels us to conform to codes of behaviour, like morality, that are general to the society in which we live. The course will explore passages in the Fusus al-Hikam that address the roots of this conflict from the perspective of the Unity of Being, in terms of the premise that the ultimate aim of human existence is the realisation of this Unity, which is also known as Union.
This course will be facilitated by Avi Abadi who has been a student of the work of Ibn 'Arabi for many years and has directed courses at the Beshara School at Chisholme House in Scotland.
The course will take place in Cinere.
A donation of Rp3,500,000 would be appreciated.
Please note that there is a possibility to attend a weekend course on the same thematic approach, for those who would not be able to attend the full 9 day.
For more details and booking please contact